Telephone Number: 020 3037 7612



Launched in 2011, Million Minutes works to create a world where all young people enjoy a life of dignity and are accompanied to discover and fulfil their purpose through social action. We exist to spread the treasure of Catholic social teaching which we believe can inspire and resource young people’s participation in the world. We work with parishes, dioceses, organisations, youth workers and youth ministers around England and Wales to spread the Holy Father’s vision of a ‘broad and flexible youth ministry… for all young people’ as articulated in Christus Vivit. We run an annual fundraising campaign, siLENT, to fund the grant giving arm of our work, run the popular ‘Celebrating Young People’ Awards, and between 2021-23 we are funded to run the ‘beacon parish’ scheme, a pioneering initiative that sets a gold standard for inclusive youth ministry in England and Wales, both within parish walls and outside of them.