Telephone Number: 0161 817 2250



Caritas Diocese of Salford is a registered charity recognised for the unique services it provides to support the most vulnerable children, families and older people in our communities to reduce barriers and help them to fulfil potential. Our vision is that people should be free from poverty, disadvantage and discrimination.

Caritas Diocese of Salford is derived from merging three well-established charities in the Diocese – Catholic Children’s Rescue Society, Catholic Welfare Societies, and St Joseph’s Mission to the Deaf.  Our services are open to all and based on need.  Service areas range from services commissioned by Local Authorities to volunteer-led community projects which enable communities to get involved in their own neighbourhoods. Our service areas are organised as Family Services and Community Services as follows;

Family Services; focus on vulnerable children, parents, carers and family members and provides practical and emotional support to help overcome disadvantage. This includes: Adoption Support, Fostering, Family Contact Centre, Young Parent Homes, School Social Work and our Family Support Project.

Community Services; focus on the welfare needs of vulnerable and marginalised adults and older people offering assistance to the communities of Greater Manchester and East Lancashire. These include Cornerstone Day Centre for homeless people and our North Manchester Befriending Service to older people.

We now operate 21 services and projects; enabling the most vulnerable in our communities by reducing the social barriers they face and empowering them to fulfil their potential.